Insolvency & Restructuring For Accountants & Lawyers

Auxilium Partners are chartered accountants specialising in restructuring businesses whenever possible, forensic investigation and expert analysis of company financials to support our professional colleagues in law and accounting. When you and your client engage Auxilium to assist with your special financial situation, our focus is to help you add value to your client relationship as seamlessly as possible.


When formal court documents (such as Default Notices, Winding-up Notices) are served on the registered address of businesses (accountant’s office) it is advisable to immediately contact the Director personally to explain the nature of the problem before forwarding the documents.

You may like to offer your client the opportunity to come with you to meet Bob Jacobs and Andrew Smith at Auxilium Partners to discuss the options going forward. An early start on these processes often leads to an improved outcome.


Auxilium Partners can provide alternate solutions for lawyers when:

  • A winding-up notice is received by your clients
  • Secured creditor disputes require an experienced receiver and manager to deliver independent expertise and facilitate the commercial outcome given the circumstances
  • Director dispute requires a provisional liquidator
  • Joint venture partners dispute the financial valuation
  • Expert witness value calculations are required for litigation or settlement

Bob Jacobs and Andrew Smith are registered by ASIC to be appointed as administrator or liquidator. Bob, along with his expert insolvency team, will outline how to achieve the most successful and cost-effective outcome for your client.

Need assistance with Insolvency & Restructuring For Accountants & Lawyers? Chat with our Special Situation Accountants.


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