Insolvency For Creditors

What is a creditor?

You are a creditor of a company if the company owes you money. Creditors are usually lenders, suppliers of goods, retail customers and sometimes employees.

When a company owes you money there are some obvious and some subtle warning signs of insolvency to look for, and as a secured creditor, you have the authority, under the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), to act when a company is in obvious financial difficulty.

All suppliers of goods may become creditors when insolvency occurs. It is helpful to understand the benefits of Personal Property Securities.

How we help you.

Auxilium Partners provides supportive, cost-effective solutions that will help you get your outstanding invoices paid. If you are still struggling to retrieve your money after completing these 5 recommended steps, please contact us. We are insolvency experts and registered liquidators and we can act on your behalf to recover large debts.

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The first meeting with Auxilium is always free. Contact us today to discuss your situation.

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