RCR Tomlinson. Who will suffer most?


The downfall of RCR Tomlinson affects hundreds of contractors who are currently engaged to work on projects across Australia. Appointed Administrators may take months to determine which parts of the business can be saved and what projects continue. This uncertainty will substantially affect contractors’ ability to accept new contracts and manage their own cashflow.

This inability to plan for the future, could have serious consequences for contractors, especially if they operate as a small business. Apart from loss of revenue, businesses may experience loss of client base, damage to reputation and in some cases insolvency. However, there are ways to prevent contractors who are business owners from incurring further loss or suffering the same fate as RCR Tomlinson. Contact us if you are a contractor involved with RCR.

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Auxilium Partners is a WA owned and operated insolvency, forensic accounting and mining advisory firm based in West Perth.

Our partners Bob Jacobs and Andrew Smith are Registered Liquidators with ASIC and Paul Cockburn is a Certified Fraud Examiner.

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